ScholarX — Hasini Perera
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Hasini is an undergraduate at Department of Computer Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura and mentored by Dr.Jeewika Ranaweera at the ScholarX mentoring program.
What motivated you to join the ScholarX program?
Mainly because of the exposure and the advises I would be able to get throughout this program. I hope to continue doing higher studies as well, so I thought this would be a great opportunity for me since there aren’t many individuals who have the right experience outside Sri Lanka and I would be glad if I get the opportunity to be a mentee of one of them.
Your Top 3 learnings from the ScholarX program?
First one would be to identify or to let yourself understand as to where would you want yourself to be in the future and have a clear understanding of how you are going to get there.
Secondly, even if you are a female in a field that contains a majority of males, if you have the right knowledge and the will to make your dreams a reality you can get there.
Finally, I learnt how to walk past my weaknesses and how to turn them into my strengths.
What are your plans after graduation?
Hopefully to do a postgraduate degree.
It’s 2029, what are you up to?
I would be joining the industry and possibly travelling around the world whenever I get free time.
You have an unlimited pot of money. How would you invest this to improve the education system in Sri Lanka?
I will help the students who are struggling to learn, who has the knowledge but does not have the ability to continue their studies due to monetary problems and also to build better infrastructure in the schools that do not have proper facilities for the students to obtain knowledge.
Any advice to prospective ScholarX participants?
ScholarX is a great opportunity to talk to professionals and experienced individuals in different domains to find out your strengths, weaknesses and how to tackle with them.
Links to her blog posts