ScholarX — Nadeeshan Gimhana
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Gimhana, a final year Computer science and Engineering undergraduate at the University of Moratuwa.
What motivated you to join the ScholarX program?
ScholarX program is a platform where Sri Lankan undergraduates can directly learn from top academic people. Before joining the program, I had an idea to pursue a masters. But I didn’t have any idea what to do then. So that unawareness motivated me to join the program.
Your Top 3 learnings from the ScholarX program.
- How to prepare CVs, resumes and cover letters for both academic and industrial purposes.
- Several Scholarship programs eligible for Sri Lankan undergraduates.
- How to start and continue research.
What are your plans after graduation?
I have planned to work for several years to gain experience. Then I will continue my education.
In 2029 what are you up to?
Couldn’t say exactly. But hope to finish my education and join the industry again.
You have an unlimited pot of money. How would you invest this to improve the education system in Sri Lanka?
Basically this is a totally imaginary situation. Firstly I would like to improve the school system. Invest to improve the quality of degrees. Enhance science labs, libraries.