ScholarX — Janidu Jayasanka
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Janidu Jayasanka, is an undergraduate at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, following Computing and Information Systems Degree. He is an open-source contributor, tech geek, network and hardware technical businessman and also a freelancer. He is enthusiastic, with decisiveness and conviction, also has a proactive attitude and find positive ways to stimulate and engage with people. He is interested not only about machine learning, cyber-security, hardware but also unity base development (Games, AR Apps). He wants to master cybersecurity and become a security engineer one day.
What motivated you to join the ScholarX program?
First of all, I heard about ScholarX from the entrepreneurship workshop which is organized by SEF in our university. SEF organization do a lot of thing for the education system of Sri Lanka. At that time, I thought to enter this program and send my CV just after the program.
Your Top 3 learnings from the ScholarX program?
Trending technologies, Importance of communication skills and Career guidance
What are your plans after graduation?
I hope to do a job related to network engineering or cybersecurity engineering.
It’s 2029, what are you up to?
I will be working as a cybersecurity engineer in a well-developed country.
You have an unlimited pot of money. How would you invest this to improve the education system in Sri Lanka?
In Sri Lanka, there are many areas with a lack of infrastructure. Therefore I will start a program for all the students in Sri Lanka by using their identification method (maybe birth certificate, NIC ). It will be free of charge and they will be able to gain theoretical knowledge as well as practical knowledge by accessing. I use the rest to create a free data centres, all around the island. Every student (rich/poor) will be able to study from it. It will be helpful to the students who are in rural areas more than the students who live in the city.
Any advice to prospective ScholarX participants?
This is a great opportunity to meet the best people in the industry, Therefore I request for you guys please be active with the program and get all of the benefits from the ScholarX team. They will help you and guide you as well as they will give you great mentors to work with, take that opportunity too. Thank You!