Meet Sri Lankan Researcher — Deshya Wijesundera

What are you currently working on or worked on before?
Digital Design, FPGA, Computer Architecture, Intelligent Transportation Systems
What encouraged you to pursue your research topic?
From my undergraduate days, I was interested in the area and I have been actively involved in the domain since my undergraduate internship.
What is the name of your current institute?
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Where do you find your best inspiration for your work?
Ideas that I develop by being updated on the latest developments in my areas of work.
Can you share with us some of your publications?
Please check the Publications section on my Linkedin profile.
What’s one of your biggest personal achievements so far?
I was never a hard worker until I entered university. However, after entering the University of Moratuwa I ended up being the complete opposite.
What lessons would you share with a budding researcher?
Adopt a practical approach.
What motivated you to be a researcher?
To contribute to the latest advancements in technology.
If there is a chance, will you help build research in Sri Lanka?
Of course.
According to your opinion, what are the changes that the Sri Lankan education system needs to do, in order to meet the requirement of the international industry and academia?
More opportunities for research.