Meet Sri Lankan Researcher-Kajeenthan Kamalaseelan

What are you currently working on or worked on before?
I am a Lecturer and an active researcher in the areas of structural Engineering at the British college of Applied Studies. I have published a few international research papers. You can fine my work here:
I have produced considerable research outcomes in the following areas as evident from my publications: find an optimum code for Design a building, Thermal performance of old buildings, usage of Geosynthetics,& detailed analysis of Lotus Tower.
What encouraged you to pursue your research topic?
The current problems faced by the construction industry lead to think about new innovative ideas. When I worked at Sri-Lanka institute of information technology I had an opportunity to work with Professor M.P Ranaweera.
My supervisor M.Vignarajah is the inspiration for my work because he always reading books and papers to get more ideas for a specific problem.
My students always encourage me to do a lot of innovative ideas for their own questions. That’s why I started to read more to solve that. Given the chance, I will definitely contribute towards building research in Sri Lanka.
These motivational factors successfully led to completing y BSc in Civil engineering with 1st class honors and also won the best paper award in Ninth International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering — ACSEE 2019, Thailand.
What lessons would you share with a budding researcher?
We need to keep on reading and also try to find an efficient way to solve a particular problem if you can solve that, you can get help from a competent person.
I think to enable this the Sri Lankan education system needs to include basic research work (ie-Literature review) in the A/L curriculum in order to get students to think about their own ideas. This approach will help students understand research criteria required to meet international industry and academia.