Meet Sri Lankan Researcher- Mahasivam Sanje

What are you currently working on or worked before?
I am currently researching on tunable nanomaterials that can use external stimuli to control the chemical reactions in a sub-particle level which will open up a new avenue to material synthesis. These methods can be easily scalable from industrial catalyzes to medical therapeutics.
What encouraged you to pursue your research topic?
I always wanted to try something different and nanotechnology is an emerging field. When I was doing my engineering degree at Moratuwa University, I got some basic exposure in this field and I really could not able to continue in academics for different reasons. However, I had that in my mind and with the time I have started exploring to study in this area and managed to get a spot at RMIT university.
What is the name of your current University?
Nanobiotechnology Research Laboratory (NBRL), RMIT University, Australia.
Where do you find your best inspiration for your work?
I always keep my mind open to learning something new in every activity that I engage in. There is always something that we can learn from our day-to-day life and that mindset inspired me to come to this point where I am right now.
Can you share with us some of your publications?
Sure, you can find my google scholar .
What’s one of your biggest personal achievements so far?
I would say there are many achievements that I have done during the past few years. I have secured a few patents and had a very steep growth in industry and got exposure to working abroad over 4 years. Besides, after a long break, finding a route to do my Ph.D. in a completely new field with no experience and obtained a full scholarship is something I would consider is an achievement.
What lessons would you share with a budding researcher?
I am not a risk-taker at the beginning of my early career. I was not sure about starting a PhD or Master was the right choice at the time. Finding the right research area that you are keen on proceeding is one of the key points and finding the right supervisor and scholarships are also equally important. Try to reach out to many universities/supervisors as possible. There are several restrictions to a university to accommodate a lot of Ph.D. scholars at a time, therefore, keep trying. NEVER GIVE UP! If you are looking for a scholarship, I recommend applying for a Ph.D. than a Masters's. Generally, will have more funding opportunities over the Masters.
What motivated you to be a researcher?
I always love to learn something new and that always excites me. I have worked in a prominent apparel-based organization in Sri Lanka in the research and development section. It kept my passion alive and triggered me to step into my ultimate goal.
If there is a chance, will you help build research in Sri Lanka?
Yes. I really do. But I am not sure how and when. But I am happy to help if there is a need.
According to your opinion, what are the changes that the Sri Lankan education system needs to do, in order to meet the requirement of the international industry and academia?
To be honest, when I studying my bachelor’s, I didn’t have a clue how can I apply for a Ph.D. even though I really wanted to study. I believe the education system and the social pressure make us blindly believe that we have to find a job soon after graduation and that is what we all are trying to do. The academic system should encourage students to proceed with higher education and also bring some network to the students who really would love to proceed with their dreams in post graduations.