Meet Sri Lankan Researcher- Samintha Perera

What are you currently working on or worked on before?
Lecturer on Geotechnical Engineering.
What encouraged you to pursue your research topic?
Related to the environment, I am working on coal seam gas extraction, water/gas flow in the sub-surface.
What is the name of your current institute?
The University of Melbourne.
Where do you find your best inspiration for your work?
The recognition I have received from my research field.
Can you share with us some of your publications?
You can find my publications here.
What’s one of your biggest personal achievements so far?
- Philips Law Medal from the Royal Society of Victoria,
- Rocha Medal for world best Ph.D. Thesis from ISRM, DECRA from Australian Research Council
What lessons would you share with a budding researcher?
Hard work and curiosity for knowledge are the key points for your success
What motivated you to be a researcher?
My curiosity for final novel things, the environment, and the future energy demand.
According to your opinion, what are the changes that the Sri Lankan education system needs to do, in order to meet the requirement of the international industry and academia?
More engagement with international institutions to collaborate with active researches.