Meet Sri Lankan Researcher- Upeka Vianthi Somaratne

What are you currently working on or worked on before?
I am a doctoral student at Murdoch University (Australia). My research focuses on state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to support cancer diagnosis. Current research work specifically focuses on deep learning-based techniques to assist diagnosis using histopathological images.
My work aims to assist pathologists with the process of diagnosing cancer as well as to develop and improve AI-based techniques. Apart from the research for Ph.D., my work also explores opportunities to apply and enhance AI-based techniques to other domains in the industry.
You can find my publications here.
What encouraged you to pursue your research topic?
My interests in research have always looked for opportunities for practical application. The recent increases in the number of new cancer cases raise the need for early diagnosis, and I wanted to contribute to develop and improve AI-based techniques to assist the process. I was so excited when my supervisor mentioned about this research project.
Where do you find your best inspiration for your work?
I find my best inspiration from mathematicians; Mary Jackson, Dorothy Vaughan, Katherine Johnson, and the team who were in the computational division of NACA (NASA). I also read and listen to motivational stories/talks to be inspired by how experts in various domains have overcome the challenges they faced.
What lessons would you share with a budding researcher?
Be thorough with the necessary knowledge; practice a growth mindset to explore problems and develop solutions in interesting research areas. Do not be afraid of failures because it is part of reaching the highest peaks of the mountains. Keep trying and keep going! My biggest achievements has been part of the AI group at Murdoch University having overcome the challenges above.
According to your opinion, what are the changes that the Sri Lankan education system needs to do, in order to meet the requirement of the international industry and academia?
I feel that identifying the aims and requirements of both industry and academia is essential. It will help to align the outcomes of the education system to meet the requirements of the industry.
From early years students should be encouraged and provided with opportunities to be creative, think free, and learn from mistakes.
My passion for contributing and giving back to the community in Sri Lanka motivated me to be a researcher. So given the opportunities, I will definitely help contribute towards building research in Sri Lanka.